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Jessica Fawn
Realty Group

Your luxury agent in the Las Vegas, NV area.

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Hi, I’m Jessica!

I’m Jessica, a dedicated real estate professional with a deep passion for helping my clients discover their perfect homes. With over ten years of experience in the industry, I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to every interaction.

My strength lies in my clear communication and meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that each transaction is tailored to meet the unique needs of my clients.

Whether I’m guiding first-time buyers through their journey or negotiating on behalf of seasoned investors, I am committed to delivering exceptional service and a seamless experience. My integrity, professionalism, and genuine care for my clients have earned me a reputation as a trusted advisor in the real estate community.

Las Vegas is more than just the strip, explore all the area has to offer

Welcome to the vibrant heart of Nevada—Las Vegas, a city synonymous with dazzling lights, unparalleled entertainment, and architectural marvels that dot its skyline.

Las Vegas is a full of serene neighborhoods, expansive parks, and communities that cater to every lifestyle. It’s full of high-rise condos with panoramic views, sprawling estates in gated communities, and charming single-family homes.

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Our Clients are in good hands

These stats can be set to anything. Some examples are number of team members, past sold houses, past sold volume, number of communities serviced, combined team experience, or anything that has a number representation.


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